Is the way your organisation handles employee onboarding fitting in with the HR challenges posed by 2020?
If employee onboarding is managed with a manual process and your HR team is still having to chase paper documentation, then the answer is…possibly not.
That’s because this is a year that sees some significant changes being made to employment laws and tax status handling, both of which demand a fast and effective onboarding process.
Webonboarding is designed to help meet these challenges with a ‘healthier’ way to manage the process – saving time, improving visibility and enhancing the starter experience.
What are the 2020 onboarding challenges?
A combination of factors are making it increasingly important to have a fast and reliable onboarding setup. The factors include:
Good Work Plan
This covers a range of changes being made to UK employment law. It includes the removal of a two-month grace period that employers currently have to provide new starters with their paperwork.
Also introduced in April, these moves the responsibility onto employers, above a certain size, to correctly determine the tax status of each new hire. It’s a complex area of legislation which will require expert advice to get right.
Adding to the confusion caused by the new legislation is the ongoing uncertainty and volatility caused by Brexit negotiations. It creates a tough candidate-driven market with increased competition for a dwindling pool of talent.
These factors ramp up the risks that are posed by slow, outdated and inefficient onboarding. The legal changes mean that they create the risk of non-compliance and potential fines of up to £20,000 for Good Work Plan breaches.
What is Webonboarding?
Webonboarding is a cloud-based management system that transforms the way new hires are handled. It delivers a fully automated process with everything handled via an online portal.
The benefits include:
Removing the need for paper documentation streamlines the whole onboarding process. A task that has typically taken weeks to complete can be carried out in a matter of days.
It gives hiring teams the tools they need to ensure GWP and IR35 compliance. A faster process helps to minimise the risk of dropouts caused by a long and frustrating process.
Flexible and scalable
A fully digital and cloud-based system changes the way that onboarding is managed. Real-time data and automated processes allow every step of onboarding to be centrally monitored and controlled.
It’s a scalable solution which is designed to handle growth and gives managers the kind of management visibility that’s not possible with a traditional paper-based approach.
Improved experience
Webonboarding allows hiring teams to provide the kind of starter experience that delivers all the benefits of 2020 technology. A mobile-ready system allows new hires to instantly access everything they need with documents signed using digital signatures.
It gives hiring teams the tools they need to create an engaging and welcoming experience which draws the best talent and helps to safeguard against dropouts. With real-time updates, candidates always know what’s happening.
‘Healthier’ onboarding for 2020
For organisations that still use a manual approach to employee onboarding, the new year provides an ideal time for some fresh thinking. The legislative changes introduced during 2020 are indicative of a wider move away from the traditional world of paper-based administration.
For a new generation of employees, having access to mobile-friendly, fast and simple ways of completing tasks has become the norm. And for external authorities, there is an increasing expectation that organisations are managing information using efficient digital tools.
If you’re interested in find out more information about our employee onboarding solution feel free to browse our website or get in touch!