How does the new starter experience change when onboarding paperwork can be completed in minutes rather than days? Improving new starter experiences from the moment a role has been offered is just the beginning of a new employee journey however it paves the way for long term engagement.
With Webonboarding the entire onboarding process can be handled via a new candidate’s smartphone.It’s a fast and fluid approach which allows onboarding documentation, from offer to acceptance, to be completed in a matter of minutes.
Onboarding documentation is an administrative chore that typically takes days or weeks to complete, with HR and hiring teams posting or emailing documentation out. This then has to be signed and returned by the candidate.
‘Signed, sealed and delivered – fast onboarding’
We interviewed a recent ‘onboardee’ about their mobile onboarding experience and accepting a job role using Webonboarding. It provides an insight into the way a faster process helps to boost HR operations and employee engagement
“The process was super easy. I didn’t have to wait for the post to come or send anything back. There have been times where I’ve had to physically come in prior to a start date to fill out forms and sign contracts so this option was so much quicker and I didn’t incur any post or travel expenses.”
A major advantage of a speedy onboarding process is that it reduces the risks of candidates dropping out. People often have alternative job offers available and will start looking elsewhere if onboarding is frustratingly slow.
Reducing the risks of dropout
This was the case with the onboardee we interviewed. They said that a faster process and the hassle-free approach helped to prevent them from exploring another role they had in the pipeline
“I think, because I’ve had really bad experiences previously myself with onboarding this was definitely a huge selling point.”
“I knew I wasn’t going to spend the first couple of hours in my new role form filling, people were actually expecting me on day one and if there were any problems with my contract, it would have all been resolved before my start date.”
Webonboarding’s responsive design provides each candidate with a personalised dashboard via their smartphone. This gives them instant access to documents and the ability to check, amend and digitally sign paperwork such as contracts of employment.
It also allows new candidates the facility to add and edit information on their referees and to access any company resources, policies or links that are provided. With mobile accessible onboarding new hires can feel ready and prepared for day one, fully engaged and ready to hit the ground running.
Find out how you can make a difference to your new hire onboarding process with Webonboarding here: